Welcome to the Help24Seven loyalty program! Our loyalty card is your key to unlocking exclusive discounts, special offers, and insider goodies. With our loyalty card, you can earn points every time you use certain services and redeem them against future services.
Simply show your loyalty card at any participating location, and our system will scan it to check if your subscription is up-to-date. If it is, you’ll be entitled to generous discounts on the spot! These discounts are only available to paid-up Help24Seven members.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save big while enjoying the best services in town!
Our Loyalty Card Service Providers.

Saorsa Haven
Saorsa Haven Wellness Day Spa
By presenting your Help24Seven loyalty card, you can enjoy a 5% discount on treatments at Saorsa Haven Wellness Day Spa. We also offer a unique range of products for sale at the spa, including discounted Avon products exclusively for members.
Contact Details
Web Site https://www.saorsahavenwelnessdayspa.tech/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083006842342
Bookings +263 78 414 4945
Email Address shelbybeadon@outlook.com

Kensington Butchery
Kensington Butchery
If you present your Help24Seven loyalty card at Kensington Butchery, you can enjoy a 5% discount on all your meat and vegetable purchases. Additionally, they offer a unique range of products for sale at the shop.

Michael Gelfand

Trend Ahead Deliveries


Electra Air

J & P Security

KB Locksmith Services

Erin Helen Equestrian
Erin Helen Equestrian
- First class livery.
- Best staff in the business.
- Three meals a day, top quality feed and hay.
- Down time in paddocks.
- 24/7 expert management.
- Veterinary service in walking distance.
- Hacking and fitness facilities on our door step.
- box20cm grass arena.
- Club House with lounge area and a quiet place to study/ do homework.
- Children’s play ground.
- Lessons for beginners and competent riders.
- Competition yard with a friendly atmosphere.
- Happy horses.
- Conveniently located in Borrowdale.

The Friend Animal Foundation

Fab Fusion

Tinka Bell


Footprint Hub Afrika

Big Sky
Big Sky
Please visit our physical store in the Pomona Shopping centre in Pomona, Harare and our wide range of Outdoor, Automotive and Make a Plan products are online – just scan the QR code …
Present your Help24Seven Loyalty Card at our Pomona store for a 5% discount on everything!
Online Shop: https://bigsky.co.zw/shop/
Sales Team: 078 078 8453 (Cell/WhatsApp)
Email: info@bigsky.co.zw
Address: Pomona Shopping Centre, opposite Sam Levy Village, next door to Nando’s


The Connection
The Connection

About CorePay
CorePay is an experienced team of Payroll and HR Management Solutions. The team has worked extensively on diverse payroll solutions acquiring the skill and experience it requires to deliver prompt, accurate payroll management solutions for every business. The company is owned by Tapitana Smartpay(PVT) LTD, a Zimbabwean registered company.
To be a leader in the African region providing innovative Payroll and Human Capital Management solutions.
We will provide reliable quality, innovative solutions that meet our client’s Payroll and Human Capital Management needs through professional and dedicated staff.
Corepay offers multiple service options for companies. Our core services include:

FirstLink Insurance Brokers
FirstLink Insurance Brokers
Firstlink Insurance Brokers (Private) Limited is the leading broker in Zimbabwe providing bespoke risk management and insurance solutions to clients. As Firstlink, we help our clients protect their assets and reduce liabilities through an ongoing partnership of risk mitigation and controls that border on mutual trust and professional support. Our unique 360° approach to understanding client operations ensures that we provide relevant and cost-effectivesolutions that address risks and assist clients to attain their business objectives.
We offer a number of insurance products for individuals and corporates including the following:
… and much more.

Maja and Associates
Maja and Associates


Drive Sense

Cellmed Health
Cellmed Health - Medical Fund

Viking Hardware Distributors

Mike's Alarms
Mike's Alarms
We provide various services related to alarm systems and security solutions to both the
residential sector as well as commercial companies.
Here are some of the services we offer:
1. Alarm system installations: Mike’s Alarms install and set up alarm systems for
homes, businesses, and organizations in Harare.
2. CCTV camera installations: We also install and maintain closed-circuit television
(CCTV) cameras to provide video surveillance and monitoring.
3. We install access control systems to regulate and monitor who can enter a specific
area. These systems include identification methods such as ID cards and biometric
scanners. The systems can be installed at access points like doors, gates, or other
entry points where access needs to be controlled.
4. Security system maintenance: We offer regular maintenance and servicing of alarm
and CCTV systems to ensure they function correctly.
5. Security consultations: We offer expert advice on security solutions, helping clients
choose the best systems for their specific needs.
6. Repairs and upgrades: we repair and upgrade existing alarm and CCTV systems to
ensure they remain effective and up-to-date.

Spartan Drilling Services
Spartan Drilling Services
Our mission is to provide efficient and reliable drilling solutions to our clients, while maintaining the highest standards of safety and environmental sustainability.
We have exceptional customer care and are committed to becoming the leading provider of drilling services, by consistently delivering exceptional results through innovation, technology, engineering and expertise.
Email info@spartandrillingservices.com
Tel +263 772 104 200