This competition is open to all multimedia enthusiasts. It is to promote persons with an interest in multimedia and those looking to pursue a career in this discipline. No registered multimedia houses may enter.
Content can be
- Video
- Audio
- Audio/ Video
- Drone Audio / Video
- Animation
All entry forms to be sent via Email to info@help24seven.co.zw, the subject line must state entry multimedia Help24Seven competition 2022.
Competition Requirement:
The requirement of the competition is to produce multimedia information clips based, on the competition themes. Each entrant can produce the multimedia clip using ANY available development tools, it must be able to be seen or heard on all forms of social media, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, tiktok and whatsapp.
Only one submission can be entered per category per entrant. Teams can consist of no more than three people.
The Contest begins on 1st May 2022. And ends on 25 May 2022 at 5:00 p.m. (the “Contest Period”). As part of the Contest Period, entrants will be able to register for the Contest beginning on 1st May 2022 and ending on 18th May 2022 (the “Registration Period”).
Judging Criteria:
A panel of judges will review all entries based on the following:
- Section 1: Content
- Section 2: Quality of production
- Section 3: Technical skill
- Section 4: Final product
A star rating will be awarded with a short comment and posted to Facebook by star rating and in Alphabetical order.
Once posted, the entrant will be responsible for promoting their multimedia clip. A points system will be awarded,
1 Like and 1 Share = 1 point.
Entrants are encouraged to look at unique ways to get there clips viewed and gather points. The panel of judges will look at these and recognise them by awarding extra points.
A point’s board will be available to view on the website www.help24seven.co.zw Posts on Facebook can be boosted by prior arrangement a maximum amount for boosts will be published on the closing of entries on the 25th May 2022.
Eliminations will begin on the 11th June 2022 any entry with less than 20 points will be eliminated.
The second elimination will be on the 25th June 2022, and any entry with less than 50 Points will be eliminated.
The winner will be announced at a fundraising function for the Road accident association on the 2nd of July 2022, at a time and place to be published on the 25th May 2022.
In the event of a tie a vote will be taken on line and from the people attending the fundraiser.
The emphasis of the competition is to create an original multimedia product. Therefore, any entrant, found to be cheating, interfering with another team, or interfering with the competition in any form, will be immediately disqualified from the competition.
Prohibited Content:
All the content in the multimedia must not contain pornography, no profanity, nothing offensive to a person’s gender, ethnicity, or religious beliefs. Videos containing rude, unlawful, discriminatory or sexually explicit, libellous material will not be accepted and reported to the relevant authorities.
Content Attributions:
Entries must adhere to copyright laws. Therefore, all graphics and multimedia components used in the competition must have been granted permission before using the file. All necessary supporting documentation must be accompanied with the entry. It is the entrants so responsibility to submit this and all Liability is on the entrant.
Standards Compliance:
Multimedia must employ the following standards:
- 1. Must be between 30 seconds and 1 minutes in length.
- 2. Must be original content.
- 3. Must be able to be viewed in all forms of multimedia.
- 4. The content must be in English only.
- 5. It is the entrant’s responsibility that the film does not infringe the rights, including but not limited to, copyright or intellectual property etc. of another person, group or entity. All the materials used must be copyright free, original, or permission from the owner is required.
- 6. Once submitted Help24Seven reserves the right to use the material in whole or part in future promotions.
Submission of Work:
Each entrant must submit their work by sending a link from recognised software to download. Entries will be accepted on flash drive and CD. The Flash drive or CD will become the property of Help24Seven on submission and therefore not be returned. All work must be scanned and virus free. Any submission containing any virus will be deleted and the entrant disqualified.
Reserved Rights:
All decisions by judges with respect to any aspect of the competition are final and binding on all entrants. They are not subject to review. The judges reserve the right to modify the competition rules and/or submission procedures as deemed necessary should a technical issue arise during the competition.
The judges reserve the right to make clarifications with regards to the competition rules as deemed necessary. These will be published on www.help24seven.co.zw all entrants will also be notified via by email to the registered email address.